February 12, 2010

Labschool Senior High School

Okay, you can see the title I bet maybe you will know about what I will talk about on this post. It is about Labschool Senior High School. About my study. My parents agreed that I'm choosing Labschool Rawamangun as my next Senior High School. Thank God! And the test will be held on February 14, 2010. It's getting closer! Counting down right now. I'm still afraid because I saw all questions from the previous test. From 1999 until now. I don't know exactly when it was started. But at least 1999. I guess. The questions is huge! Haha seriously. So I will ask for some help to my dearest friend, Arum. She is really good at Math and Science! Whoaa imagine that! Study with her is easier than study at my course. Believe it or not but I'm saying the truth that what I've felt about. And I think she would help me too, I really hope so.

The test will be held on February 14, 2010 and it means? It's Valentine's Day people! Hmm anyway about Valentine's Day, I just got home from Mall of Indonesia with my Mom and Aunt. And we watched Valentine's Day. Oh really it's the best movie ever! I love the plot, I love all the cast. There is Jennifer Garner, Aston Kutcher, Eric Dane, Bradley Cooper, Julia Robert, Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Anne Hathway, Patrick Dempsey and guess what? Duo Taylor! Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift! and many more that I can't write it one by one. There is so much things I can learn from that movie. I can learn how to love somebody in the right way and serious way. And we can share our feelings to everyone and Valentine's Day = everyday in this life! Anytime, everywhere, wherever, whoever the person we can still say our feelings. No need to wait the Valentine's Day. I will tell you everything what I've learn from the movie. Amazing, fantastic and very touching!

And for this year, maybe Valentine's Day will be the different one from the previous year. But I don't want to think it seriously. I just let it flow because I'm still teenager. I'm just trying to enjoy my life. What a wonderful life and I can't stop wishing for an amazing life :)

That's all for this time. Tomorrow I should wake up earlier because there is a lot to do at school. And wish me luck for Labschool Test! I need your support.


February 7, 2010

Freaking Out!

Everything was so wrong for me. About my life, now I can feel I'm not child anymore. I must make some plan and chance to live in future life, think harder than before. So much pressure in me. Really, I'm not kidding. There is 2 things I always think everyday. About my Senior High School and about my University. Such a mess.

First, talk about my Senior High School. I've told you in the previous post, you can see it. I'm getting anxious because ready or not I must pass the National Exam and wait for the result. I must get high score, absolutely. Yesterday my uncle went to my school to take my Try Out score because my Mom can't make it. I already knew about my score and my Mom just know the average not the details. So when my Mom saw my score she just say "Wait for your Dad reaction" and I'm totally freaking out! I'm so scared but I'm trying to not scared and relax. That's all I can do to avoid.

I'm afraid I can't get 81 SHS. It's too hard. I'm crying, believe it or not. So I think Allah heard me. Last night, my Dad told me to join the Labschool test. Just in case if I can't get 81 SHS. My Dad not angry to me? Thanks and thank you very much! So I'm searching about Labschool test and asked to my friend or my chairmate exactly, Mira. She joined the test too. So I will go to Labschool tomorrow with her. But there is something problem with my Mom. I felt so guilty. My Mom and Dad have the different opinion. My Mom really want that I must get 81 SHS. Really there is kind of pressure. I'm stressed out. I'm crying. What should I do to make it better? It's getting worse. Wish me luck and keep pray for me.

Second, about my University. It really doesn't matter for now but I just want to make some plan where will I go to continue my study. I'm going to choose Oxford or Cambridge. I don't really know about that. But, I'm just prepare for my University.


February 3, 2010

White Flag

Can you guess about my title? Last week I remembered about my favorite song two years ago. And it's White Flag by Dido. Do you know? I love the lyrics. Same experience..

White Flag - Dido (Album : Life For Rent, 2004)

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you,
Or tell you that.
But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it
where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess and
destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of "it's over"
then I'm sure that that makes sense

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on....

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be 



Hello, okay I will tell you about this day. Wednesday. February 3rd 2010. What a bad day and I'm so nervous for the last lesson at school. What is that? Science. Maybe 252 JHS student know why I'm so nervous about learn Science. The teacher is so discipline about everything and when she always come to class by class the students will sit in their chair and never brave to talk something. Suasanapun menjadi sangat sunyi ketika dia datang. Actually I'm not afraid of her because I can see the positive thing about how to study serious and success. She teach us about discipline of study, attitude. And everytime she came to my class, I'm just try to not nervous. Just relax. I can't think clearly if I always afraid of her. If she ask I will think hey I'm still learning about everything. I'm not the smartest people in this world so it doesn't matter if I can answer her question. But lucky me, I've never got some question from her.

But I think this is my bad day. I've got some question from her! And I did something idiot. I'm sweat at all and I can't say anything. She was talk about digestive and enzymes. Here's the dialogue,

Mrs. Nursinta : Hey kamu! Kamu anak baru ya? Kok saya tidak pernah melihat kamu ya? Ayo sebutkan enzim yang ada pada rongga mulut
Me                 : Emm tidak saya bukan anak baru kok Bu. Jawabannya aduh apa ya.... (I know about the answer but I didn's say it because I'm so nervous. It's for the first time I got question from her)
Mrs. Nursinta : Hah! (Pergi mencari mangsa yang lain eh I mean she search someone else to answer the question)

But it's not over. There is one thing! Pas ditanya soal lemak, "Apakah ada lemak yang dihasilkan tumbuhan?" Saya hanya menggeleng-geleng eh dia ngeliat lagi! Dia bilang dengan suara lantang "Hey neng! Kenapa kok geleng-geleng kan ada tumbuhan menghasilkan lemak" Dan everybody look at me. Stupid and idiot.

This is very unlucky day. And after that incident I will learn about everything at 'SKL' so if next time she ask me some question I can answer that easily. Because I have bad feeling. She know me now and maybe I will be her next target.


February 2, 2010

All I Wanted

Tidak memakai basa-basi gue sekarang sudah punya planning tentang bagaimana gue hidup nanti. Memang sih, semua yang mengatur itu Allah. Hari ini gue baru pulang dan nunggu ibu gue pergi ke rumah sakit. Lalu duduk sebentar menonton semacam kartun yang idiot lalu menyalakan laptop ini. Dan sampai sekarang gue belum makan padahal ibu gue berpesan untuk memakan ayam kluyuk tapi malas ah. (Who cares). Ok let's back to the topic, seperti yang kalian lihat title untuk post kali ini adalah "This Is My Dream"

Tadi pada saat pelajaran Agama Islam, our beloved teacher Mrs. Asniati told to us "Semasa kita di rahim, Allah itu sudah memegang siapa jodoh kita, kapan kita meninggal, dengan cara apa kita meninggal dan banyak atau sedikitkah rezeki kita" Lalu terlintas pada saat dengerin itu, I'm freaking out. Aneh memang tapi tiba-tiba terpikirkan begitu saja. I was afraid at that lesson. I've got a lot dreams and I'm afraid if I can't make it. Lalu gue berpikir gimana ya caranya supaya gue enggak mikirin itu terus? Tapi hasilnya buntu..

Jujur pas pulang gue masih sangat berpikir tentang itu. Gue bakal kasih tau apa mimpi-mimpi gue itu. Tapi terkadang emang agak aneh gue dan hampir gila akan mimpi ini. Nah sekarang, problem gue bagaimana caranya buat mengatasi semua itu? Gimana caranya kita bisa mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi kita semua? 

Gue beberin deh semua mimpi gue, semoga pada tidak tertawa.

1. Gue bakalan fokus dulu untuk masuk SMA favorit. Gue sempat dilema seperti apa yang gue katakan dan ceritakan di postingan sebelumnya. Bingung harus memilih SMA 8 atau SMA 81? Tapi gue kayaknya sekarang lebih terarah ke SMA 81. Semoga Allah mengizinkan untuk masuk SMA 81 dengan NEM dan hasil nilai-nilai yang memuaskan. Amin ya Allah.

2. Semasa di SMA 81 / 8 entahlah kita lihat saja nanti, gue bakal memperdalam lagi Bahasa Inggris gue. Selama 3 tahun. Awalnya gue pengen ikut Study Abroad tapi kok gue mikirnya nanggung ya? Mendingan langsung tinggal di luar negeri saja.

3. Setelah lulus dari SMA, here comes the university! Dengan bekal insya Allah gue akan fasih berbahasa Inggris (syukur-syukur bisa bahasa Jerman, Perancis etc) gue akan memilih untuk ngelanjutin kuliah ke Cambridge, Oxford atau Harvard. Dan tinggal di London.

4. Semoga saja become an actress Hollywood. Hahahahaha tapi beneran deh gue kalo dikasih jalan sama Allah yang maha kuasa gue mau banget. Gue aja sampe sekarang udah menjadwalkan akan berpindah haluan dari tinggal di London jadi ke Los Angeles atau Boston. Terus ikut theater at LA and then gue dikontrak bermain film (apakah jadi kenyataan? Saya sangat berharap) tapi ya semua kembali lagi lah kepada kuasa-Nya. 

5. A life at UK or LA and marry with Justin Bartha hahaha. Gue ngaku ya gue cinta mati sama Justin Bartha, walaupun dia sudah tua sekali untuk dijadikan pasangan hidup kelak tapi gue tetap berdoa dan yakin pada miracle juga kesempatan akan datang kepada setiap manusia. I believe in luck too! Who knows 10 tahun mendatang saya kawin sama dia (AMIN) punya anak dan sampe kakek nenek awet awet aja deh.

Ketawa? Silahkan tapi ya itulah yang namanya mimpi. Semoga bisa terkabul semua. Gue masih mikirin gimana ya supaya caranya gue optimis menghadapi itu semua? Let's find the way out later. I'm starving right now, so I want to have my lunch. See you soon! Wish me luck.
